Toy Kangaroo

Toy Kangaroo
Materials: 100 gms x 8 ply (DK) wool; 3.5 mm needles; soft toy filling.
Tension 24.5 sts. = 10cm. Finished size about 26cm. 

Side pieces:
Using 3.5mm needles cast on 60 sts. Work 2 rows stocking st. Dec. at beginning of next and alt. rows, 4 times in all = 56 sts.
Row 10. Cast off 16 sts, purl to last 2 sts., purl 2 tog. = 39 sts.
Row 11. Cast off 22 sts. knit to last st. inc in last st. = 18 sts.
Row 12. Inc in first st. purl to end of row = 19 sts.
Row 13. Knit to last st. inc. in last st. = 20 sts.
Row 14. Inc. in first st. purl to end = 21 sts.
Row 15. Knit.
Repeat rows 14 & 15, and then row 14 again. = 23 sts. Work 15 rows without shaping.
Row 34. P2 tog., purl to end of row = 22 sts
Row 35. Knit
Row 36. Cast off 7 sts., purl to end = 15 sts.
Row 37. Knit to last st., inc. in last st. = 16 sts.
Row 38. Purl
Row 39. As row 37 = 17 sts. Work 3 rows without shaping.
Row 43. K2 tog. knit to end = 16 sts.
Row 44. Purl. Repeat rows 43 and 44 twice, then row 43 again. = 13 sts.
Row 50. Cast on 6 sts., purl to end. = 19 sts. Work 5 rows without shaping.
Row 56. Cast off 9 sts., purl to end. = 10 sts.
Row 57. Knit. Work 2 rows, dec. at beginning of each row. = 8 sts. Work 6 rows without shaping.
Row 66. Cast on 7 sts. purl to end. = 15 sts.
Row 67. Knit.
Row 68. P2 tog. purl to end of row = 14 sts .
Repeat rows 67 & 68 twice = 12 sts.
Row. 73. Knit to last 2 sts., knit 2 tog. = 11 sts
Row 74. Repeat as row 68 = 10 sts. Dec. at beginning of next 3 rows. Cast off rem. 7 sts.
Work second piece to correspond with first, working knit for purl and purl for knit, reversing all shapings.

Front Gusset
Using 3.5mm needles, cast on 40 sts.  Work 9 rows stocking st. cast off 16 sts at beg. of next 2 rows = 8 sts. Inc. at each end of every row twice, then in alt. rows x 4 times = 20 sts
Work 17 rows without shaping. Cast off 6 sts at beg. of next 2 rows = 8 sts Work 44 rows without shaping on these 8 sts.
Cast on 6 sts at beg. of next 2 rows = 20 sts. Work 6 rows without shaping. Cast off 7 sts at beg. of next 2 rows = 6 sts
Row 94. P2tog, P2, P2tog = 4 sts
Row 95. Knit
Row 96. Purl 2tog twice = 2 sts
Row 98. P2 tog. Fasten off. 

Base Piece
Using 3.5 mm needles cast on 10 sts. Work 18 rows stocking st. Cast off loosely. 

Ears (make two)
Using 3.5mm needles cast on 7 sts. Knit 8 rows in garter st.
Row 9. K2 tog. K3, K2 tog. = 5 sts.
Row 10. Knit
Row 11. K2 tog. , K1, K2 tog. = 3 sts.
Row 12. Knit.
Row 13. K2 tog. K1 = 2 sts.
Row 14. K2 tog. Fasten off. 

To Make Up
Using a flat seam, join two side pieces from a point 1.5 cm above top of front paws, ie. underneath the neck; over the head; down the back; along the tail; finishing under the tail but leaving an opening for filling. Fold a deep tuck in the narrow centre portion of the gusset to just above the top of the hind legs; sew up two sides of the tuck to form a pouch. Stitch gusset in place with tuck inside. Stitch base in place with the centre of one side to seam of the tail and two corners to underseams of hind legs. Fill firmly and close. Stitch ears, point upwards, in place at back of head. Use contrast colour and satin stitch to embroider eyes. 

Baby Joey ( finished size about 10cm)

Side Pieces
Cast on 10 sts. Work 4 rows stocking sts.
Row 5. Cast off 5 sts, knit to end. = 5 sts. Work 7 rows without shaping.
Row 13. Cast on 4 sts, knit to end. = 9 sts. Work 3 rows without shaping.
Row 17. Cast off 4 sts, knit to end. = 5 sts. Work 2 rows.
Row 20. P2 tog. P3 = 4 sts
Row 21. Knit
Row 22. P2 tog, P2 = 3 sts
Row 23. Cast on 4 sts. knit to end = 7 sts.
Row 24. P2 tog, purl to end = 6 sts
Row 25. K2 tog, knit to end = 5 sts
Row 26. Purl
Row 27. K2 tog, K3 = 4 sts
Row 28. Purl. Cast off loosely.
Work second side piece to correspond, working knit for purl and purl for knit, reversing all shapings. 

Front Gusset
Cast on 14 sts. Work 4 rows stocking st. Cast off 5 sts at beginning of next 2 rows = 4 sts. Work 8 rows without shaping. Cast on 4 sts at beg. of next 2 rows = 12 sts. Work 3 rows without shaping. Cast off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rows = 4 sts.
Row 22. P2 tog twice = 2 sts
Row 23. K2 tog. Fasten off. 

Ears (make two)
Cast on 4 sts. Knit 4 rows garter st.
Row 5. K2tog twice = 3 sts
Row 6. K2
Row 7. K2 tog. Fasten off. 

Cast on 4 sts. Knit 16 rows garter st.
Row 17. K2 tog. twice = 2 sts
Row 18. K2
Row 19. K2 tog. Fasten off.

To Make Up
Using a flat seam, join the two pieces, working over the head; down the back and underneath, leaving opening for filling. Stitch gusset in place. Fill and close. Work a French knot for eyes. Stitch ears and tail in place, and place Baby Joey in the mother's pouch.

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