Childs Vest

Child’s Vest

Size                             4          6          8         10
Fits underarm   cm      60        65        70        75
Length             cm       40        44        48        52

Measures  approx        66        72        78        84

Material 8ply (DK)     200g    250g   300g    350g
Needles  4mm and 3.25mm
Stitch holder

Gauge: 22.5 st = 10cm

(For a looser garment use 4.5mm needles and 3.75mm)

Using smaller needles cast on 77, (83,89,97 ) sts for rib
Row 1 - K2,*P1,K1, rep from * to last st, K1
Row 2 – K1, *p1, K1, rep from * to end.
Repeat these two rows 7 (7, 8, 8 ) times  = 16 (16, 18, 18, ) rows rib.

Change to larger needles
Work in stocking stitch until work measures 25, (27,29,32 ) cm from beg. ending on purl row.

Shape armholes
Cast off 5 (5, 6, 7) sts at beg. Of next two rows ***
Dec. at EACH end of next and alt. rows until 59, (63, 67, 69) sts remain
Work 43 (47, 53, 55) rows stocking st.

Shape shoulders
Cast of 6 (7, 7, 7) sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 7 (6, 8, 8) sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Leave rem. 21 (23, 23, 25) sts on stitch holder.

Front Work as for back to ***
Divide for V neck – 3rd row – K2 tog., K31 (34, 36, 39) TURN leaving other sts on spare needle
Continue on these 32 (35, 37, 40) sts
4th row Purl
5th row K2 tog, K to end
6th row Purl
7th row K2tog. K to last 2 sts, sl1, K1, psso. Repeat rows 4 to 7 inclusive 0 (1,1,2 ) times,
Then 4th and 5th rows 1 (0,0,0 ) times = 28 (29, 31, 31) sts.

Decrease as before at NECK EDGE ONLY in foll. 4th rows from previous decrease until
21 (23, 28, 29 ) sts. remain, then in following 6th row/s until 19 (20, 22, 22,) sts. remain.
Work 5 (5, 5, 5) rows stocking stitch.
Shape shoulder
Cast off 6 (7,7,7) sts at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row. Cast off loosely.

Right front
Slip centre stitch onto a thread or marker and leave.
Join yarn to next stitch, K to last 2 sts, K2 tog. Cont on these 32 (35, 37 40 ) sts
4th row Purl
5th row K to last 2 sts, K2 tog.
6th row Purl
7th row K2tog, K to last 2 sts, k2tog
Repeat rows 4 to 7 inclusive 0 (1,1,2) times, then 4th and 5th rows 1 (0,0,0) times
 = 28 (29,31, 31) sts

Decrease as before at NECK EDGE ONLY in foll 4th row from previous dec until 21 (23, 28, 29) sts remain, then in foll 6th row/s until 19 (20, 22, 22) sts remain.
Work 6 (6, 6, 6) rows stocking st.

Shape shoulder
Cast off 6 (7,7,7) sts at beg. of next row and foll alt. row. Work one row. Cast off loosely.

Join RIGHT SHOULDER SEAM ONLY, then with right side of garment facing and using smaller needles, Knit up 52 (58, 64, 70) sts evenly along left side of neck; Knit stitch from centre marker (leave marker in place) Knit up 52 (58, 64, 70) sts evenly along right side of neck, then knit across sts on stitch holder.
= 126 (140, 152, 166)

1st row:* K1, P1, repeat from * to end
2nd row: Rib to within 2 sts of centre st, yarn back, sl 1, K1, PSSO, K1 (centre st), K2tog, rib to end of row
3rd row: Rib to within 2 sts of centre st, K2 tog. P1, K2 tog through back loops, rib to end.
Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows until 8 rows in total
Cast off LOOSELY in rib

Armhole Bands
Join LEFT SHOULDER SEAM ONLY (flat seam or backstitch) With right side of garment facing and using smaller needles, K up 91 (101, 111 ) sts evenly along armhole edge.
Work 8 rows total in rib.
Cast off LOOSELY in rib

Press lightly. Join side seams. Press seams. Hand wash and dry flat.

This vest was made using Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply in Cherry Red. This is a machine washable 100% wool yarn spun with a twist that makes it hard wearing for children’s clothing as it does not pile like some softer yarns.

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